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نانوتکنولوژی در سرطان
Nanotechnology in Cancer
Elsevier | انتشارات |
2016 | سال انتشار |
اول | ویرایش |
207 | تعداد صفحات |
Anshu B. Mathur | نویسندگان/ویراستارها |
فهرست کتاب:
1- Gold nanoparticles for noninvasive radiofrequency cancer hyperthermia
2- Silk fibroin nanoparticles and cancer therapy
3- Animal models in cancer nanotechnology
4- Surgical implications of surface texturing in breast implants
5- Nanoscale engineering of silk fibroin scaffold architecture to repair patient-specific cancer defects
6- Magnetic nanoparticles and cancer
7- Nanotechnology in neurosurgical oncology
8- Nanotechnologies for brain tumor therapy