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لوازم آرایشی و بهداشتی برپایه نانو: از ایده تا محصول
From Ideas to Products
Springer | انتشارات |
2019 | سال انتشار |
اول | ویرایش |
365 | تعداد صفحات |
Jean Cornier Cornelia M. Keck Marcel Van de Voorde |
نویسندگان/ویراستارها |
فهرست کتاب:
1- Science Behind Cosmetics and Skin Care
2- Nanotechnology in Cosmetics
3- Inorganic Nanoparticles in Cosmetics
4- Micelles and Nanoemulsions
5- Polymeric Nanoparticles
6- Phospholipids in Cosmetic Carriers
7- SmartLipids—The Third Generation of Solid Submicron Lipid Particles for Dermal Delivery of Actives
8- Nanocrystals for Dermal Application
9- Characterization of Nanoparticles for Cosmetic Applications
10- Characterization of Nanoparticles in Dermal Formulations
11- Characterization of Penetration of Particles After Dermal Application
12- Characterisation of Nanomaterials with Focus on Metrology, Nanoreference Materials and Standardisation
13- Production of Nanocosmetics
14- Safety and Toxicity Counts of Nanocosmetics
15- Regulation of Nanomaterials in Cosmetic Products on the EU Market
16- Why Nanotechnology in Dermal Products?—Advantages, Challenges, and Market Aspects