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طیفسنجی UV-Vis و فوتولومینسانس برای مشخصهیابی نانومواد
UV-VIS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization
Springer | انتشارات |
2013 | سال انتشار |
اول | ویرایش |
604 | تعداد صفحات |
Challa S.S.R. Kumar | نویسندگان/ویراستارها |

فهرست کتاب:
1- Geometrically Tunable Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles
2- Optical Properties of Metallic Semishells: Breaking the Symmetry of Plasmonic Nanoshells
3- Exploiting the Tunable Optical Response of Metallic Nanoshells
4- UV-Vis Spectroscopy for Characterization of Metal Nanoparticles Formed from Reduction of Metal Ions During Ultrasonic Irradiation
5- Size-Dependent Optical Properties of Metallic Nanostructures
6- Modeling and Optical Characterization of the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances of Tailored Metal Nanoparticles
7- Tailoring the Optical Properties of Silver Nanomaterials for Diagnostic Applications
8- Optical Properties of Oxide Films Dispersed with Nanometal Particles
9- Optical Properties of Silicon Nanowires
10- Optical Properties of Oxide Nanomaterials
11- UV-VIS Spectroscopy/Photoluminescence for Characterization of Silica Coated Core-shell Nanomaterials
12- Optical and Excitonic Properties of Crystalline ZnS Nanowires
13- Optical Properties of Nanocomposites
14- Biomedical and Biochemical Tools of F€ orster Resonance Energy Transfer Enabled by Colloidal Quantum Dot Nanocrystals for Life Sciences
15- Probing Photoluminescence Dynamics in Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystal/Fullerene Heterodimers with Single Molecule Spectroscopy