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طیفسنجی بازتابی مرئی-فرابنفش در مایعات
UV-Visible Reflection Spectroscopy of Liquids
Springer | انتشارات |
2004 | سال انتشار |
اول | ویرایش |
220 | تعداد صفحات |
Jukka Räty Kai-Erik Peiponen Toshimitsu Asakura |
نویسندگان/ویراستارها |

فهرست کتاب:
1- Demands on Measurement of Optical Constants of Liquids in Science and Industry
2- Liquids
3- Theory of Optical Constants
4- Theory of Reflectance
5- Probe Window Contamination and Reflectance
6- Wavelength Spectra Analysis
7- Introduction
8- Definitions of Optical Instrumentation and Measurement
9- Exploring the Insides of a Spectrophotometer
10- Understanding Your Signal
11- Before Measurement
12- From Theory to Measurement