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راهنمای استفاده از نانوفناوری در صنعت غذا: کاربردها و روشها
Handbook of Food Nanotechnology
Applications and Approaches
Academic Press | انتشارات |
2020 | سال انتشار |
اول | ویرایش |
762 | تعداد صفحات |
Seid Mahdi Jafari | نویسندگان/ویراستارها |
فهرست کتاب:
1- Fundamentals of food nanotechnology
2- Nanofluid thermal processing of food products
3- Nanofiltration in the food industry
4- Nanoadsorbents and nanoporous materials for the food industry
5- Production of food nanomaterials by specialized equipment
6- Nanoemulsions and nanosized ingredients for food formulations
7- Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles by plant extracts and biopolymers
8- Nanoencapsulation of bioactive food ingredients
9- Enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients by nanodelivery systems
10- Metal nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents in food packaging
11- Nanobiosensors for food analysis
12- Nanoparticles/nanofibers for checking adulteration/spoilage of food products
13- Nanoencapsulated bioactive components for active food packaging
14- Reinforced nanocomposites for food packaging
15- Characterization and analysis of nanomaterials in foods
16- Safety and regulatory issues of nanomaterials in foods
17- Consumer expectations and attitudes toward nanomaterials in foods